Themes: Going to school, Places at school, People at school, School classes, Inside the classroom, Games, Party Time, Days of the week, Time, Sports, The Weather, Holiday plans, etc.
Vocabulary: 183 words, 22 sentences. Your child will be able to understand and remember words, independently produce words, use words in sentences.
Speaking: 22 conversation settings, 22 songs. Your child will be able to ask and answer questions in 2-part conversations, talk about the past,present and future, offer help to others,etc.
Phonics: 42 sound-spelling relationships, short vowels, long vowels, digraphs, blends, contractions, homophones, etc. Your child will be able to decode known and unknown words, identify short vowels, final e, consonant blends, digraphs, etc.
Reading: 22 phonics readers, 66 sight words, 8 critical thinking skills, 8 types of reading responses. Your child will be able to apply phonics skills and knowledge of sight words to read texts, respond to texts orally, graphically and in writing.
Writing: Review phonics and sight words, 22 grammar concepts. Your child will master spelling, grammar , sentences ( tracing, fill in the blanks)
Level RR- Ready Readers, 5-8 years [A1-A2].
22 thematic units, 4 checkpoint tests during a year, lessons for 45 mins, twice a week.